MLS Says My Account Is Disabled…Why?
MLS Quarterly dues and annual dues for Supra Key Services were due on June 30th, 2023. If you failed to pay your quarterly MLS fees or your annual Supra Key Service fees you may pay them quickly by logging into Account Access on to see if you’ve paid up your fees.

When you login to Account Access, you will see a green section on the right with any outstanding account balances. There will be a green “Pay Now” button.

You can also reach out to our Accounting department at: or 214-540-2750 if you would like to make a payment over the phone.
How much do I have to pay?
- MLS = $135 + $25 reconnection fee = $160
- KEYS = $226.24 + $50 reconnection fee = $276.24
- BOTH = $135 + $25 + $226.24 + $50 = $436.24
It takes approximately 30 minutes to re-activate any users suspended for non-payment.