Why your REALTOR wants you to vote
Remember that Realtor that sold you your house? She wants you to vote. So does the guy that sold your neighbor his house. In fact, Realtors all over Texas really, really want you to vote this November. And they want you to remind your neighbors to vote, too. Every last one of them.
Why would someone who sells houses for a living care if you vote? Because we’re standing at a crossroads this year and property owners need to be heard. There’s no denying it. Property tax bills are getting larger. As home values rise, the number of dollars coming out of our pockets rises, too. That financial pressure is making home ownership less attractive for some. It’s making it unattainable for others. And it’s beginning to push people to the point of no longer being able to afford to stay in their homes.
And we can do something about it. Remember, we are taxpayers. We are voters. We have a voice. And we have the ability to create change.
Through our public advocacy outreach, we have encouraged local leaders to adopt the effective tax rate which would keep tax bills where they are, instead of allowing them to increase exponentially. We have changed the conversation and seen positive results. Some counties have already agreed to stabilize tax bills for this year. Unfortunately, despite our efforts and the support of Judge Clay Jenkins and Commissioner Mike Cantrell, Dallas County voted not to adopt the effective tax rate for 2016, further increasing the tax burden on its citizens.
The Texas State Legislature is taking note. The Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform and Relief is holding hearings across the state to learn more about how the property tax burden is impacting real Texans every day. Noting the increasing difficulties taxpayers are having in meeting the rising tax burden, Senator Van Taylor (R-Plano), said “The purpose of government is to protect our rights, not to tax us out of our home.”
You can get involved, too. Here’s how:
Visit thehiddenpropertytax.com and encourage your clients, friends and family to watch the video. We want voters to know more about how they are impacted by the hidden property tax, and what they can do about it.
Contact your state senator and your state representative. Tell them you want them to stop the increasing tax burden on home owners. Visit http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx to find out who represents you and how to contact them.
See which candidates are supported by Realtors at www.TexasRealtorsSupport.com.
Help us protect the interests of homeowners across the state. We know we can make a difference. We already have. But our work is not finished. Everyone needs to understand the importance of participating in our state and local elections this year.