Why home inspections aren’t only for buyers
Most people associate inspections with buying a house, but sellers can benefit from them, too. Before you go live with your listing, consider advising your clients about the potential benefits to having a pre-sale inspection on their property.
Why? Because a home inspection identifies deficiencies with a property, some of which the seller may not be aware of. This can ease the stress burden on the seller; once the house is listed, the seller will know what to expect and won’t be as likely to be hit with nasty surprises.
Get there first
An inspection will give your client a better understanding of conditions that may be discovered by the buyer’s inspector. It allows you a chance to review potential issues with them and it gives them time to correct conditions before a buyer has a chance to ask for a concession. Eliminating problems ahead of time, even minor ones, also lets potential buyers focus on what’s right about the property instead of what needs repair. A house that has been tightened up by fixing a handful of little things can give a better impression of pride in ownership.
Know exactly what to fix
Inspection reports explain the nature of needed repairs, often with photographs that show the problem. If your seller decides to correct a condition, the detail found in the report can be of great assistance whether they’re fixing it themselves or explaining to the plumber what needs to be done. Fixing minor defects are as important as good staging in any market. In a seller’s market like we have now, people know they are likely paying top dollar. Buyers want a certain assurance that they are not going to be immediately saddled with a lot of repairs – especially if they’ve just put all of their cash into the purchase.
“I have nothing to hide”
Providing potential buyers with a recent inspection of the home is a good-faith gesture that shows forthrightness. Such a gesture might make buyers more comfortable submitting an offer, knowing their own inspection won’t likely discover hazards or major systems in need of immediate repair.
Inspectors are neutral
You can tell buyers that the home is in good shape, or you can show them a report from a licensed inspector that tells them your home’s in good shape. Which source will they trust more?
Make sure the price is right
A thorough inspection and report regarding the condition of your home can help you and your Texas Realtor arrive at a fair asking price—and defend it. Plus, knowing about major defects and pricing accordingly can smooth the way in a challenging transaction.
If they decide to get a seller’s inspection …
Be ready to refer a licensed inspector. Give them an idea of the fee, and what is included and what is excluded. Also make sure to explain disclosure requirements before the inspection is performed. If they’re leery of having a current inspection, ask them if they still have the report from when they bought the house (if it was fairly recently) and review it with them to see if there are some honey do’s on that report that should be addressed.
Whether or not your seller decides to have a pre-sale inspection, when you explain the pros and cons of an inspection, you demonstrate that you have their best interest in mind, and that you want to make the process as smooth as possible. Your sellers will appreciate it when you demonstrate that you are mindful of their time, money, and stress level.