NAR’s New Virtual Tech Edge Series

NAR’s Tech Edge Series is entirely virtual for the first time! The series teaches you how to be a stronger virtual agent with topics such as:

Virtual Showings

Social Media Platforms

Utilizing Video


Data Privacy

And More!

The next event in the series is scheduled for July 23 and will feature social media experts Marki Lemons Ryhal, Maura Neill, Bill Risser, and Laurie Weston Davis. The four will share with you best practices and tips to create more substantial social media content and presence to help you build your business.

As a bonus, NAR is offering 25% off the regular price for its members. Now, the cost of each virtual Tech Edge event is only $14.95. For non-members, the cost is $29.95.

You do not want to miss out on this insightful, fun, fast-paced series! For more information, please visit NAR Tech Edge.