Proposed Slate of 2021/2022 Officers & Directors Approved by MetroTex Board

MetroTex is pleased to announce its proposed slate of 2021 Officers and 2021-2022 Directors. Over 20 applications were submitted from the general membership to the MetroTex Nominating Committee for review and selection.

The Nominating Committee then presented the proposed slate of Officers and Directors at the June MetroTex Board of Directors meeting and the Board approved the slate. Below is the slate of members nominated to serve as your 2021-2022 leadership team.


  • President Elect: Taylor Walcik
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Belinda Epps

Directors – Two year term – 2021-2022:

  • Franceana Campagna
  • Kristi Davis
  • Danny Hardeman
  • Travis Lee Moore
  • Marion Napoleon
  • Gary Nordling
  • Tasha Penson
  • Alan Smith

The members of the 2020 Nominating Committee were: Cathy Mitchell, Chairperson, , Linda Argo, Dave Bowman, Becky Connatser, Marilyn Frederick, Nancy Garcia, Bill Jordan, Amy Karns, Liz Rourke, Brenda Thompson, Terry Tremaine, and Derek Westley.

The MetroTex members listed on this page have been nominated to serve as Officers and Directors of the MetroTex Association of REALTORS® for the terms indicated. The MetroTex Bylaws provide that additional nominations must be in writing and signed by not less than 3 percent of the REALTOR® members of the association and must be submitted no later than August 15, 2020. Please refer to Article XI, Section 4(d), (e), and (f) if you have any questions about the procedures for nomination. This notice constitutes the slate recommendation by the Nominating Committee.

For any further information please contact MetroTex Chief Executive Officer Janet Kane at 214-637-6660 or email