Time Management Tips for the Holiday Season

Does anyone else feel like the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day goes by in a blur? We’re in the thick of December and there are office parties, school dress-up days, gift buying (and wrapping and shipping), volunteering and—oh, and yes, working! A flexible schedule hardly feels “flexible” this time of year. How can real estate professionals manage it all? Here are some ideas to implement to keep a joyful holiday spirit:

Set Expectations Now

Take a look at your calendar and break down the work, social, family and school commitments for the next few weeks. You may have to pass on a few things, and that’s ok! Prioritize the things you really want to do, and fit in anything else if it’s possible. Let your colleagues and your family know when your schedule has overlapping priorities. For example, if you’re waiting on a response to a client’s offer, but you are watching the school play, let the other agent know that texting would be the best communication option or that you will be available later that evening. Choose an aisle seat in case you do need to pop out for a quick phone call.

Time Block Your Working Hours

Setting up working hours will give you the time to focus on clients and work tasks. Protect this time: don’t shorten it or change it to accommodate a last-minute activity or event, unless it is truly something that brings you joy, business or both! The time block might shift from day to day or week to week, and that’s okay. As long as you are blocking the appropriate number of consecutive hours per day to focus just on your real estate business. Active transactions always take priority, but so does prospecting! Do not slow down on prospecting during this time of year.

Set a Timer for Tasks

Now that you’ve set a time block on your workdays, set a timer for tasks. Set a 15-minute timer, turn off all other notifications and get the task done. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish in 15 minutes. I’ve found that if I focus on just one task, it typically takes me much less time than I imagined it would. Then move on to the next one!

Batch Your Gift Giving

Do you “batch” your social media content? This means you take an hour one day to create multiple social posts and videos and then you pre-schedule them to fill your content for a week. Use the same concept for gift giving. Select one home-made gift (i.e. chocolate bark, candied nuts, banana bread), make a large batch and then divide it into gifts for teachers, colleagues, neighbors, etc. This will save you time from running to multiple stores to get various gifts.

Source: The YPN Lounge