Tonight at midnight NTREIS Matrix gets an upgrade! 

New features will include:

* More modern, mobile friendly email layout. Some of these features will require additional configuration after this update.

* Sort order indicator – a sort arrow will indicate the ascending/descending order of the column and boldness of the label will indicate the sort priority.

* Map will use the full width of the browser.

* Map and results tabs are added to the Concierge approval screen.

* Ability to search just the “intersection” of two map shapes, for example if using a shape within x miles of work and x miles of spouse’s work, search only for listings contained in both search areas.

* New icons through the search module and updated action tools at the bottom of results as well as easier to read “Tooltips” when hovering over an icon.

* Refresh option added to the My Listings Widget.

* Day selection added to INRIX Drive Time – specify a day of the week in addition to time of day to determine drive time.