2021 MetroTex Committee Enrollment Now Open
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone in the real estate industry. That includes the REALTOR® Association. During this pandemic our volunteer committee members worked diligently to make sure that real estate remained an essential business, and creatively to make sure that a high level of training and resources were available virtually for all of our members to take advantage of.
Right now our 2021 committee registration process is officially open and we encourage you to become an active part of your association. If you are currently on a 2020 MetroTex committee – thank you for your service BUT please renew your committee membership for 2021 by completing our online form.
MetroTex offers many opportunities for members to get involved by serving on an association committee. Committee service allows you the opportunity to make new contacts, enhance your professional abilities and make a difference from behind the scenes. MetroTex is making it easier than ever to get involved with our web meeting platform. You can now attend our committee meeting from the comfort of your home or office.
The MetroTex committee enrollment period will run from October 1 through November 30. No committee registrations for 2021 will be accepted after November 30. Anyone interested in being a part of a MetroTex committee after November 30 can be a non-voting observer in any of the committee meetings.